Saturday, 10 December 2011

Tim Wheeler is warm.

Just got back from an instore performance at Rise Records in Bristol by Tim Wheeler and Emmy the Great, majorly cute couple. They performed tracks from their Christmas album - This Is Christmas. I love Christmas songs, I love Emmy the Great, and I love Ash, so I've been pretty excited about this. I turned up in my Christmas hair bow, earrings, necklace and Christmas tree brooch, so was pretty glad to find my friend Gareth was wearing his felt Santa jacket :-D

I found the whole thing slightly emotional as the last time I saw Ash was on a first date with an ex, he then bought me '1977' on vinyl and 'Shining Light' then became one of our songs (get the violins out). 'Sometimes' is without a doubt one of the most epic breakup tracks of all time and needless to say, it was played a lot this summer. I have to admit I shed a tear when they launched into a cover of Wham - Last Christmas. Anyway, enough.

They also sang Tracers (an Ash song), which was ace. They were signing copies of the album afterwards so I bought it as a little christmas present to myself from myself. I went to get it signed, turned into a complete moron, couldn't think of anything witty to say, went bright red etc. What else did you expect? This guy was on my wall when I was a teenager! On the other hand my friend Steve, who was next in the queue started having some random convo about yule log with them that seemed to go on for ages! All I can say is Tim put his arm around me and he felt warm. Heres my signed album and a photo of me with the cute couple where I look like a complete idiot *sigh*.

I'll leave you with a video of my favourite song from the album. Yeah, go buy it, It's a sweet album. Merry Christmas xxx

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